AsileFX Vue 8 Terrain Workshop

Friday, April 9, 2010 ·

AsileFX Vue 8 Terrain Workshop by Nick Pellegrino | 750 MB

Video Format.........: MP4 Flash
Resolution...........: 1001x561
Duration.............: 8 hours
Instructor...........: Nick Pellegrino
Includes Sculpting Workflow & Techniques + Terrain Creation Techniques for Vue 8+. Terrain Creation Techniques for Vue 7 and 7.5 users will available soon.

Includes dozens of scene files, a companion reference guide (including additional techniques and technical references), filters, textures, tools, and more! Reference guide provided in PDF and HTML formats with the option to display directly in the html training menu.

To learn more about the lessons and projects in this training. Below you will find video screen shots, scene images, and some of the main topics covered in each part of the training. You can also use the topic jumps found below to navigate.

Training Lessons:

1.) Understanding Terrains
2.) Layer Anatomy and Reset Operations
3.) Procedural Sculpting and Zone Techniques
4.) Sculpting and Displacement Mapping
5.) Rivers
6.) Erosion Techniques
7.) Procedural Layering Techniques
8.) Fractal Distribution & custom strata filtering

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